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Useful resources made available to Australian lot feeders to assist in day-to-day feedlot operations

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Key websites


Red Meat, Green Facts

Red Meat, Green Facts is a ‘fast-facts’ resource to promote the red meat industry’s credentials and empower Australia’s red meat advocates.

MLA Feedback Magazine

MLA's Feedback magazine is the red meat and livestock industry journal, signposting producers to practical on farm information and the latest technological advances that are putting Australian producers in a globally competitive position.


Australian Beef Sustainability Framework 2024

The Australian Beef Sustainability Framework defines sustainable beef production in the Australian context and tracks the industry’s performance in addressing key priorities against a series of indicators annually. 

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Labour Shortages

A summary of government initiatives and resources that may assist and support your feedlot business find suitable people for your Team.


Social Media Toolbox

If you want to have a greater impact in online conversations about our industry, here’s a guide to best practice social media use.


Managing Summer Heat Guide

This guide has been developed by ALFA to support lot feeders in not only assessing the risks associated with heat load but also support the decision-making process in relation to management practices. 

Fit to Load Guide

The guide has been developed to support livestock operators meet the Australian Animal Welfare Standards and Guidelines for the Land Transport of Livestock which are embedded in NFAS, and decide weather an animal is fit to be loaded and for the entire journey.

Australian Animal Welfare Standards & Guidelines for Cattle

This document informs all those with responsibility for the care and management of cattle, of the minimum welfare requirement for all cattle in Australia. These standards and guidelines are being regulated into law by most State and Territory Governments.

The Cattle Parasite Atlas

The cattle parasite atlas is a regional guide to cattle parasite identification and best practice control in Australia.

Woodchip Bedding for Feedlot Cattle

This project by MLA, in consultation with ALFA, to determine the effects of graded levels of woodchip during wet feedlot conditions on cattle performance and welfare.

Immune Ready

Immune Ready is a guideline for the care of sale cattle.

This protects cattle in the preparation, transport and arrival post sale.

Clean Cattle Manual

The manual includes case studies which demonstrate how different management practices have been successfully implemented to further assist feedlot managers and staff to make decisions that suit their operation’s specific needs.

Australian Animal Welfare Standards & Guidelines - Land Transport of Livestock

This document informs all those with responsibility for the land transport of livestock, of the minimum transport welfare requirement for all livestock in Australia. These standards and guidelines are being regulated into law by most State and Territory Governments.

Summary of Bovine Respiratory Disease Preventative Practices

Bovine Respiratory Disease (BRD) is produced through the complex interaction of pathogens with animal, environmental and management risk factors. This document is a summary of BRD preventative practices.

NFAS Livestock Incident Reporting Requirements

Incident reporting requirements are part of the National Feedlot Accreditation Scheme. This poster covers the reporting requirements and trigger levels for feedlots.

Yard Weaning Methods for Preparing Feeder Cattle

The beef breeding industry needs to add value to its products wherever this is cost-effective. These tips and tools for yard weaning aim to help reduce disease and stress and improve weight grain for cattle entering the feedlot environment.

Winter / Wet Pen Management

A handy document providing links to information and tools available to improve pen management in less-than-ideal conditions.

BRD Preventative Practices Guide

An evaluation of practices used to reduce the incidence of Bovine Respiratory Disease (BRD) in Australian feedlots.

Heat load in feedlot cattle

This document covers the risks associated with excessive heat load, managing heat load in feedlot cattle and the key benefits for production.

Welfare Benefits of Providing Shade to Feedlot Cattle

This document explores what animal welfare means, the benefits of providing shade, and understanding the thermal regulation and shade seeking behaviours of cattle. Information in regard to cattle responses to shade, animal health and management strategies to optimise welfare with shade are also explored.

MLA's Transport Hub

The Transport Hub brings together everything you need to know about transporting livestock safely and humanely anywhere in Australia. Best practice livestock transport improves outcomes for livestock, boosts profits throughout the supply chain and contributes to the sustainability of the industry.


Final report: Assessment of the Australian Feedlot Enteric Methane Inventory equation

The aim of this study was to evaluate equations in the literature for predicting methane (CH4) emissions of beef cattle when fed tempered barley-based diets typical of the Australian feedlot industry.


A large database of methane measurements performed in respiratory calorimeters’ taken from beef cattle fed a range of barley-based feedlot diets was assembled and analysed.

Trespass Advice

Advice for feedlot owners, managers and employees on what to do if you find someone illegally trespassing on your property.

Supplying Female Cattle To Feedlots

A handy document to provide to your cattle supplier, so that we can all work together to ensure calves are not born in feedlots.

Integrated Pest Management For Nuisance Flies In Cattle Feedlots

This IPM documents covers the identification of common nuisance fly species found in feedlot environments and provided practical IPM approaches for fly control.

Beef Cattle Feedlots Enterprise Manual

This manual brings together, from many sources, operational guidelines, plans of action and other resources for dealing with EADs. The purpose of the manual is to capture industry specific information aimed at government officers and beef cattle feedlot personnel who may be involved in an emergency animal disease EAD preparedness. 

Handbook Of Best Practice Guidelines For The Australian Feedlot Industry

Developed by ALFA and MLA, the aim of the best management practice guide is to provide a concise handbook and reference document for feedlot operators and their employees to prompt improved management practices in the Australian feedlot industry.

Trespass Advice Checklist

The guidelines aim to ensure your facility is proactively for an immediate response in the event of an activist incursion on your property and to provide for the safety of people and the well-being of livestock on site.

Workplace Wellbeing Assessment Tool

The NSW government has developed a free digital tool called the Workplace Wellbeing Assessment. This tool allows your staff to share their views on what contributes to good mental health at work while also helping you identify clear and effective actions toward a mentally healthy and safe workplace. Help your staff feel heard and valued at the feedlot- access the tool below.

Beef Cattle Feedlots: Design And Construction

This manual takes the lot feeder and consultants through the stages and considerations for feedlot design, construction and overall management of the project.

NFAS Forum Recordings

NFAS host monthly online forums discussing key topics around feedlot management. Find the recordings of these forums on the NFAS website.

ALFA Best Practice Feedlot Activity Checklist

A guide for feedlot owners and managers to provide feedlot enterprises with guidelines for continual improvement in feedlot activities. Use this checklist to prepare your facility for exceeding the outcomes and minimum standards required in the NFAS.

Feedlot Guidelines

The Guidelines are designed as a companion document to the National Beef Cattle Feedlot Environmental Code of Practice. The Guidelines provide ‘guidance’ on how the Code of Practice requirements regarding the establishment and operation of beef cattle feedlots may be achieved.

Feedlot Covered Housing Systems Best Practice Design And Management Manual

This manual, made by MLA, is built upon the best available knowledge from around the world for covered housing and shade systems, along with knowledge gained from visits to a variety of covered housing systems operational in Australia.

Cyber Security – What Does Getting It Right Look Like?

ALFA have partnered with ParaFlare to deliver a Webinar on Cyber Security and what getting it right looks like. The Webinar and provides a framework that the feedlot industry can apply to mitigate cyber threats.


Final report: Assessment of the Australian Feedlot Enteric Methane Inventory equation

The aim of this study was to evaluate equations in the literature for predicting methane (CH4) emissions of beef cattle when fed tempered barley-based diets typical of the Australian feedlot industry.


A large database of methane measurements performed in respiratory calorimeters’ taken from beef cattle fed a range of barley-based feedlot diets was assembled and analysed.

Beef Cattle Feedlots: Waste Management & Utilisation

This manual covers the management of feedlot manure and effluent and describes detailed best-practice guidelines for waste management.

A Framework For Water And Energy Monitoring And Efficiency In Feedlots

This series of factsheets provides a framework for water and energy monitoring. It also outlines efficiencies in feedlots and the key benefits for operations and the industry.

Using Manure For Biogas Production

Beef feedlot manure is a potentially good feedstock for biogas production; however, good manure management is a central issue. This document explores the Biogas technology benefits to lot feeders and the feasibility of its use.

Code Of Practice

The National Beef Cattle Feedlot Environmental Code of Practice (the Code of Practice) is intended to provide nationally consistent requirements under state regulation for lot feeders and administrators regarding the environmentally relevant aspects of the establishment and operation of beef cattle feedlots.

MLA Sustainability Hub

Sustainability goes hand in hand with productivity, profitability and industry longevity. It sits squarely with our 2025 Red Meat strategy to double to value of our products as the trusted source of the highest quality protein and our industry ambition to be carbon neutral by 2030.

MLA's sustainability hub collates industry resources and case studies pertaining to the red meat industry.


Antimicrobial Stewardship Guidelines

The Antimicrobial stewardship guidelines provide a continuous improvement framework that will help lot feeders understand and ensure appropriate use of antimicrobials and therefore reduce the risk of antimicrobial resistance.

Australian Animal Welfare Standards & Guidelines For Cattle

This document informs all those with responsibility for the care and management of cattle, of the minimum welfare requirement for all cattle in Australia. These standards and guidelines are being regulated into law by most State and Territory Governments.

Feedlot Guidelines

The Guidelines are designed as a companion document to the National Beef Cattle Feedlot Environmental Code of Practice. The Guidelines provide ‘guidance’ on how the Code of Practice requirements regarding the establishment and operation of beef cattle feedlots may be achieved.

MSA Standards

Meat Standards Australia (MSA) is a beef, lamb and sheepmeat eating quality program managed by Meat and Livestock Australia (MLA). The program is designed to predict the consumer eating quality outcome of individual cuts by cook method.

Fit To Load Guide

The guide has been developed to support livestock operators meet the Australian Animal Welfare Standards and Guidelines for the Land Transport of Livestock which are embedded in NFAS, and decide weather an animal is fit to be loaded and for the entire journey.

Aus-Meat: Australian Beef Carcase Evaluation

The uniform set of carcase grading standards (AUS-MEAT ciphers) under controlled conditions, this provides means of consistently describing meat characteristics and of classifying product prior to packaging.

Beef Cattle Feedlots: Design And Construction

This manual takes the lot feeder and consultants through the stages and considerations for feedlot design, construction and overall management of the project.

Australian Animal Welfare Standards & Guidelines - Land Transport Of Livestock

This document informs all those with responsibility for the land transport of livestock, of the minimum transport welfare requirement for all livestock in Australia. These standards and guidelines are being regulated into law by most State and Territory Governments.

Hormone Growth Promotants And Beef Production - A Best Practice Guide

Hormone growth promotants (HGPs), promote cattle growth. This guide assists lot feeders to understand the uses and effects of HGPs, and assists with best practice implementation.

Using Manure For Biogas Production

Beef feedlot manure is a potentially good feedstock for biogas production; however, good manure management is a central issue. This document explores the Biogas technology benefits to lot feeders and the feasibility of its use.


Australian Animal Welfare Standards & Guidelines For Cattle

This document informs all those with responsibility for the care and management of cattle, of the minimum welfare requirement for all cattle in Australia. These standards and guidelines are being regulated into law by most State and Territory Governments.

BRD factsheet 

Bovine Respiratory Disease (BRD) is produced through the complex interaction of pathogens with animal, environmental and management risk factors. This document is a summary of BRD preventative practices.

Beef cattle feedlots: waste management and utilisation

This manual covers the management of feedlot manure and effluent and describes detailed best-practice guidelines for waste management.

Guidelines for Veterinary Personal Biosecurity

These guidelines are designed specifically to help veterinary personnel reduce their risks of acquiring a zoonotic disease from an animal.

Veterinary laboratory users guide

The Biosecurity Sciences Laboratory (BSL) provides diagnostic testing services for infectious agents, toxins and other causes of disease in animal samples.
This guide supports you to submit complete and suitable samples to the laboratory.

Handbook Of Best Practice Guidelines For The Australian Feedlot Industry

Developed by ALFA and MLA, the aim of the best management practice guide is to provide a concise handbook and reference document for feedlot operators and their employees to prompt improved management practices in the Australian feedlot industry.

Emergency Animal Diseases: A guide for veterinarians

This field guide provides field veterinarians with readily accessible information on EADs.

Beef Cattle Feedlots Enterprise Manual

This manual brings together, from many sources, operational guidelines, plans of action and other resources for dealing with EADs. The purpose of the manual is to capture industry specific information aimed at government officers and beef cattle feedlot personnel who may be involved in an emergency animal disease EAD preparedness. 

EAD Preparedness - Vehicle wash down

You should provide a wash point for any vehicles that need to enter farming areas. A dedicated high pressure wash down area located well away from crops or livestock is a cheap and effective way of dealing with these risks. Watch this video for more tips and advice.

Emergency animal diseases: Guidelines for veterinary personal biosecurity

This field guide provides field veterinarians with readily accessible information on EADs. It will help those in the field include appropriate EADs in their differential diagnoses, and take appropriate action if presented with signs of an unusual disease.

Integrated Pest Management – Nuisance flies in feedlots

Simple tips & tools to assist with Integrated Pest Management for nuisance flies on cattle feedlots.


Wet Harvest; Grain Receival, Storage & Feeding

The main areas of concern with a wet harvest include receiving high moisture,
sprouted and/or moldy grain. These grain characteristics can directly affect grain transfer efficiency, cattle performance, health and welfare. This resource can help feedlots manage a wet harvest. 

MLA Best Practice Grain Processing Manual

This manual, specifically for Australian feedlot cattle aims to describe the best practice grain processing methods and technologies. This document is only available from MLA in hardcopy form. Please enquire with Dr. Matt Van der Saag at MLA ( to obtain this document.

Guide To Using Alternative Feedstuffs

Use this guide when considering factors and evaluating the benefits of alternative feedstuffs, particularly in times of drought.

Manabotix Bunk Scanner

An update of the on-site evaluations of a new autonomous robot for manoeuvring a feed bunk scanner around a feedlot, developed by Manabotix.


Welfare Benefits Of Providing Shade To Feedlot Cattle

This document explores what animal welfare means, the benefits of providing shade, and understanding the thermal regulation and shade seeking behaviours of cattle. Information in regard to cattle responses to shade, animal health and management strategies to optimise welfare with shade are also explored.

Manabotix Deliverease

A prototype feed truck auto-delivery system is developed to ensure a more consistent and efficient delivery of feed into bunks. Led by Manabotix.

Woodchip Bedding For Feedlot Cattle

This project by MLA, in consultation with ALFA, to determine the effects of graded levels of woodchip during wet feedlot conditions on cattle performance and welfare.

Manabotix Bunk Scanner

An update of the on-site evaluations of a new autonomous robot for manoeuvring a feed bunk scanner around a feedlot, developed by Manabotix.

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