Clever ideas and innovations that have been incorporated into day-to-day feedlot operations have been entered into the ALFA Innovation Competition 2023, proudly supported by Integrated Animal Production (IAP).
The winner and runner-up will be determined by popular vote and announced at SmartBeef23, held in Tamworth on 11-12 October.
To vote for your favourite entry, simply click the 'heart' button on the post (this indicates a like i.e. vote). The entry with the most votes will be announced as the winner. The entry with the second highest will be awarded the runner up. Voting is open from July 10 - September 22. The decision made will be final.
TFI Southern Cross Feedlot's TB straw Spreader
What's the issue/challenge?
Bedding is becoming common practice to increase cattle comfort and wellbeing in both conventional and sheltered feedlots.
At TFI's Southern Cross Feedlot, they use a variety of bedding including straw, woodchip and almond shell throughout the winter months. The task of spreading the bedding evenly can be inefficient and require excess manual handling. In addition to this, bedding that is not distributed evenly can cause cast cattle. Once TFI are at their 30,000 head capacity, throughout their bedding program they will be spreading in excess of 10,000 bales a year, dependant on weather.
How does the innovation/idea work?
The TB Straw Spreader, manufactured by Maintenance Manager Tim Bagshaw, reduces the need for manual labour and is more efficient than traditional practices. The TB Straw Spreader breaks up and evenly distributes bedding quickly and safely.
Cost of Innovation:

The winning innovation will be selected ‘by popular vote’ and announced during SmartBeef23.
To vote for your favourite entry, simply click the 'heart' button on the post (this indicates a like i.e. vote). The entry with the most votes will be announced as the winner. The entry with the second highest will be awarded the runner up. Voting is open from July 10 - September 22. The decision made will be final.
With thanks to our long-term supporter of this award, Integrated Animal Production (IAP).