Clever ideas and innovations that have been incorporated into day-to-day feedlot operations are encouraged to enter the ALFA Innovation Competition, proudly supported by Integrated Animal Production (IAP).
The winner and runner-up will be determined by popular vote and announced at BeefEx, held in Brisbane on 15-17 October 2024.
To vote for your favourite entry, simply click the 'heart' button on the post (this indicates a like i.e. vote). The top four most 'hearted' entries will be offered a complimentary full delegate ticket to attend BeefEx 2024.
The entry with the most votes will be announced as the winner. The entry with the second highest will be awarded the runner up. Voting is open from August 10 - September 23. The decision made will be final.
Struggle Downs' 'Stainless tipping trough' Innovation
What is your innovation?
A covered feedlot trough that is easy to empty and clean, saves water, does not encourage algae growth, keeps water cool and avoids faeces drop in water

How does the innovation/idea work?
It incorporates the trough into the pen gate. By tipping the trough it allows quick and complete emptying. Stainless steel 1/2 pipe design allows easy rotary brush cleaning with not hard to clean corners and less algae growth. If any components or whole trough require replacement, it is easily removed or the whole gate changed out and repaired elsewhere.
Cost of Innovation:
Decided by popular vote, the top four most popular innovations will receive a full delegate ticket to BeefEx 2024 in Brisbane this October. The overall winner and runner up will be announced at BeefEx, receiving a prize of $2,500 and $1,000 respectively.

Vote for your favourite innovation!
To vote for your favourite entry, simply click the 'heart' button on the post (this indicates a like i.e. vote). The top four most 'hearted' entries will be offered a complimentary full delegate ticket to attend BeefEx 2024.
The entry with the most votes will be announced as the winner. The entry with the second highest will be awarded the runner up. Voting is open from August 10 - September 23. The decision made will be final.
With thanks to our long-term supporter of this award, Integrated Animal Production (IAP)