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Latest edition of Lotfeeding Journal is out now!

This special edition of the ALFA Lotfeeding Journal celebrates ALFA's 50th Anniversary, and five decades of industry representation.

Inside, you will find stories from those who have been instrumental in the foundation of the Association and from those that have contributed great to the prosperity of the industry across the decades.

Featured stories include:

  • Industry in good hands with future leaders, by Bryce Camm, ALFA President

  • Building a strong feedlot community since 1970, by Christian Mulders

  • ALFA's 50th Celebrations by Madie Hamilton, ALFA Communications Manager

  • Molly Sage's biofuel plan wins Young Lot Feeder Award

  • From a few members, to a respected beef industry body

  • NFAS stands the test of time

  • Improving industry networking - Amanda Moohen

  • Distinct family flavour at Wonga Plains

  • Barb Madden's lifetime in lotfeeding

  • Quality and consistency with MSA

  • ALFA's impressive R&D record

  • Stockyard's legacy in lot feeding

  • Improving industry representation with Tess Herbert

  • A look back at markets over the past 50 years

  • Grain fed leads the way with branded beef

  • Gina Lincoln's journey from management to consultancy

  • Grain fed levy update: Shade trial focuses on novel design

  • Summer pen cleaning, by Jeff House

  • Grain update: Winter crop

  • Performance Feeds Profile


Lotfeeding is a specialist publication for people involved in the cattle feedlot sector. The bi-monthly journal covers the feeding, stock management, technology, design and equipment used in modern lot feeding operations across Australia. ALFA, as the peak industry body representing lot feeders, communicates industry developments, research and development, training workshops and conferences and market trends via the Journal.

The Lotfeeding Journal has a monthly circulation of 1,700 copies and is printed by Australian Community Media on behalf of ALFA.


All ALFA Members receive a copy of the Journal in the mail. To become a member and recieve your copy click here.



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