Horse Records is a one-of-a-kind horse safety management system. It is the only compliance software system in Australia for businesses that utilise horses.
The Horse Records Compliance software is utilized to meet the 3 safety requirements for businesses with Horses:
1. Biosecurity
2. Due Diligence
3. Workplace Health and Safety
Horse Records has entered this innovation into the ALFA Award for Innovation 2022, proudly supported by Integrated Animal Production. The winner will be announced at the ALFA BeefEx22 Conference in October. Read on to find out more about this innovation within the feedlot industry.
Tell us, how is the innovation original/innovative?
Horse Records is the only system in Australia that provides feedlots with reporting processes that meet workplace health and safety regulations and biosecurity laws for every state and territory In Australia.
Horse Records is the only program in Australia that interfaces with Horse4Health to verify the information through your horse's microchip number. Your horse’s Hendra vaccination can be downloaded as PDF or added to your Apple wallet on any Apple device. The next event that your horse needs to provide vaccination information can be easily accessed through your phone within seconds.
So, how does it benefit the Australian Lot Feeding Industry?
The estimated cost saving for a feedlot is calculated on the hours required to generate all the necessary compliance reports as individual forms for each biosecurity and workplace safety requirement. Having these documents checked by the horse rider (or person responsible for the horse) as well as having the documents signed off by a supervisor. All documents are then entered into spreadsheets before filling. The spreadsheets are used to prepare weekly and monthly summary data that is used to prepare weekly and monthly management reports.
There are the included hours to conduct 2 administrative audits per year with the necessary management reporting of the audit results.
There is an estimate of an average of 30 horses on-site for a total of 100 horses registered as coming onto the feedlot with an average of 15 arrivals and exits per day.
Costs are calculated at an average rate of $30 per hour for feedlot administrative and management staff including on-costs.
The individual paper forms and filed records related to:
Registering a new horse – 60 new horses per year.
Finding out and updating the records for horses that won’t be coming back to the feedlot.
Recording each horse as it arrives per day at the feedlot and checking the vaccination status of each horse and recording the status. Only letting on to the feedlot horses that have current vaccination. – 15 horses per day.
Conduction of 4 horse rider assessments per year per horse-rider combination. Preparing the horse rider assessment forms using the information from previous horse rider assessments, any incident reports and the current assessment.
Organising vaccination days per month, determining which horses need vaccinating, contacting the horse rider (or person responsible for the horse) to get the horse on the vaccination day and preparing a schedule for the day for horses to be vaccinated. Recording the results of the vaccinations including the veterinarian, the horse and batch code for the vaccine.
Recording each incident that occurs at the feedlot related to a horse. Documenting the details of the incident, and conducting a review for the cause of the incident. Document corrective actions needed to ensure that the root cause of the incident is adequality addressed. This often results in additional training and horse rider assessments which must be fully documented.
Recording other horse health activities and schedules such as horse farrier activities and dentistry. Records showing where the location contributes to these activity records and records the status of contributions for each person that brings horses to the feedlot. Additionally, records of who made the payments for each of these activities.
Few feedlots that rely on manually prepared paper forms and spreadsheet records would be fully compliant with all the requirements of the state biosecurity and workplace safety acts and regulations. The evidence of this is the number of successful prosecutions by state authorities of agricultural businesses that occur when farm-based accidents and incidents happen. Over the last 10 years, the State regulations have changed to make business owners and directors criminally responsible for farm-based accidents and incidents.
And how does it integrate into Australian Lot Feeding operations?
The feedlots and organisations that use the Horse Records service have the full feature sets, including:
Registering horses and those that own or are responsible for horses.
Moving horses on and off locations including the “Gate Keeper” function to only allow Hendra vaccinated horses on-site.
Generating detailed reports of horse movements to conduct any contact tracing of horses.
Vaccination and other health activity scheduling and recording, including interface integration with Horse4Health.
Horse rider assessments and reassessment notifications.
Incident recording, reporting and corrective action processing.
Weekly and monthly management reporting.
Automatic email alerts and notifications of incidents and health events.
For More Information Contact:
Des Bowler, Managing Director - Horse Records
0412124480 |
About the ALFA Award for Innovation
All BeefEx exhibitors & sponsors with an innovative product or service are encouraged to enter the Australian Lot Feeders’ Association’s (ALFA) Innovation Award – designed to acknowledge excellence in innovation from companies supplying and servicing the lot feeding sector.
With thanks to our sponsor, Integrated Animal Production Pty Ltd, for their support of this Award.