The Australian Lot Feeders' Association (ALFA) will be attending Beef Australia's Beef 2021 event at Rockhampton, Queenland from 3-7 May, 2021.

View the ALFA Program below to time your visit to the ALFA Stand WP85 in the Walter Pearce Pavilion.
ALFA Stand Program - Stand 85, Walter Pearce Pavilion
Monday - 3rd May
10:30am: Molly Sage & Ben Emery, 2020 & 2019 Young Lot Feeder of the Year winners Molly is the 2020 Young Lot Feeder of the Year after impressing the judges with her research on the use of lemna in feed to reduce methane emissions. Molly has been working at JBS Beef City Feedlot since 2017 and is passionate about ensuring the lotfeeding sector continues to adapt to remain sustainable into the future. Ben is currently Rangers Valley's Feedmill and Planning Manager, and has been at the feedlot since 2015. He was awarded 2019 Young Lot Feeder of the Year for his research into the role of communication and relevant, relatable and understandable data across the supply chain can create better practices and outcomes for producers and industry.
3:30pm: Daryle Belford, NF Foods / Whyalla Beef Qld, ALFA Councillor Daryle joined the ALFA Council in November 2020 and has been working in the feedlot industry since 2010, coming from a cattle property management and financial management background. He is currently the Assistant General Manager of Whyalla Feedlot, and serves on the following ALFA committees: R&D; Membership, Events and Industry Capacity; and Environment.
Tuesday - 4th May
10:30am: Lachlan Brown, Pakaderinga Feedlot Qld Come and chat to Lachlan about his experiences as the lotfeeding sector scholar on the Australian Rural Leadership Programme Course 26, or his role as an ALFA external committee member on the ALFA Membership, Events and Industry Capacity Committee. Lachlan manages the 4,000hd Pakaderinga Feedlot alongside his father.
12 noon: Christine Killip, Katestone Christine became a director of Katestone Environmental in 2000 and is now joint owner of the company. Christine’s expertise includes meteorological and air quality analysis, with particular reference to industrial site evaluation; air quality impact assessments ranging from large industrial projects to regional photochemical impacts to local impacts of dust and odours; and detailed practical knowledge of a variety of regulatory and specialist dispersion models. Christine developed the Cattle Heat Load Toolbox and will be at the ALFA stand to discuss your queries, experiences using the CHLT and gather feedback ahead of the upcoming summer season.
3:30pm: Grant Melrose, Representing Pakaderinga Feedlot, ALFA Councillor Extensively involved in the Australian red meat industry, Grant was elected to ALFA Council in 2019. His career started in 1985 within the domestic wholesale sector packing and trading meat, through to currently working in the lot feeding and export beef processing sectors. Grant sees future leadership for the industry through collaboration, transparency and accountability to ensure industry and community expectations are sustained. Grant is currently a member of the Marketing, Trade and Market Access; Membership, Events & Industry Capacity; R&D; Feedlot Management; and Executive Committees.
Wednesday - 5th May
10:30am: Amanda Moohen, AACo, ALFA Councillor Amanda believes that by creating prosperity through a collaboration of our people, livestock and land the feedlot industry will continue to thrive. To that end, she was elected to ALFA Council in 2019 and is now Chair of the Feed, Commodities & Nutrition Committee, as well as serving on the Animal Health & Welfare; Feedlot Management; and Environment Committees. Amanda is Regional Manager – Intensive at AACo, managing Aronui and Goonoo Feedlots and their associated backgrounding programs.
12 noon: Steve Martin, Representing Stockyard Lot Feeders, ALFA Councillor Steve was elected to ALFA Council in 2017. He is a previous winner of the Young Lot Feeder of the Year Award and completed the Australian Rural Leadership Programme. Prior to his role as General Manager at Stockyard Lot Feeders on Queensland's Darling Downs, he was the livestock and farm manager at Elders Killara feedlot. Steve is Chair of the ALFA Marketing, Trade & Market Access Committee, as well as serving on the Feedlot Management, Research & Development, Animal Health and Welfare, and Environment Committees.
3:30pm: Barb Madden, Smithfield Cattle Company, ALFA Councillor Known as a passionate advocate for the sector, Barb was elected to ALFA Council in 2015. She is the co-owner and Financial Controller for the Smithfield Group, a large multi-faceted family business, operating companies within the beef cattle lot feeding, backgrounding, beef exports, logistics and property development and management areas. Barb has extensive experience in financial, managerial and taxation accounting and auditing. As well as leading the Australian Grain Fed Beef and Feedlot Career Development & Training Working Groups, Barb also serves on the Membership, Events & Industry Capacity; Environment; and Marketing, Trade & Market Access Committees.
4:00pm: Australian Grain Fed Beef Launch Event Details follow guest profiles.
Thursday - 6th May
10:30am: Grant Garey, Teys Australia, ALFA Councillor Grant was first elected to ALFA Council in 2005, and became an ALFA Vice President in 2012. He has been the General Manager for Feedlots at Teys Australia since 2011 following an entry into feedlots in 1994. Currently, Grant is the Research & Development Committee Chair, and also serves on the ALFA Executive and Marketing, Trade and Market Access Committees as well as the NFAS Review Working Group.
12:00pm: Caitlin Herbert, Gundamain Feedlot & Megan Krause, Sandalwood Feedlot Caitlin and Megan recently completed the ALFA Margin & People Management (MPM) Course 11 programme in April 2021. Caitlin and Megan will be available to chat about the MPM programme, what it involves, and its benefits to both participants and feedlots.
Friday - 7th May
10:30am: Andrew Rushford, Stanbroke Feedlot, ALFA Councillor Elected to ALFA Council in 2019, Andrew commenced his career at Ravensworth feedlot in 1992 and after completing his tertiary education in 1996 returned to Ravensworth as feedlot operations manager. From there, Andrew has worked in major Queensland lotfeeding and farming operations before moving to Stanbroke Beef to manage feedlot operations. Andrew is a member of the R&D and Feedlot Management Committees, as well as Chair of the Animal Health & Welfare Committee.
2pm: Lauren McNally, Mort & Co Lauren has been volunteering with ALFA for 3 years helping with purposeful educational projects that have and will significantly assist the feedlot industry. She is the People, Culture and Training manager at Mort & Co and is on a mission to assist in building and developing capabilities of rural agricultural workforces for sustainable future growth across agriculture. Lauren has been working alongside intensive beef businesses for the past 17 years, and her background has largely focused on people, culture, training and safety.
ALFA Launches at Beef 21
ALFA, in collaboration with Meat and Livestock Australia, worked with lot feeders, restaurateurs and chefs to bring the new website to life to showcase the quality attributes of grain fed beef production in Australia. is a dedicated resource that supports the many grain fed beef producers, suppliers and consumers who proudly produce, market and consume the delicious, nutritious and consistent quality beef.
Beef 21 delegates are encouraged to visit the ALFA Beef 21 Stand on May 5 at 4pm to find out more and to go into the draw to win a limited-edition Australian Grain Fed Beef Sabatier Chefs knife.
Haven't got your ticket to Beef 21 yet?
Head to to purchase tickets. We look forward to connecting with you then!