Established in 1993, the Australian Rural Leadership Program (ARLP) is one of Australia’s longest running and most prestigious development programs designed to accelerate leadership capability in people committed and contributing to rural Australia.
Held over 50 days, across four sessions in 15 months, the ARLP develops leadership through a series of unique immersive experiences (delivered in real-world contexts) to allow participants to develop the adaptive skills to confidently overcome challenges and embrace opportunities.
ARLF Fellow and recent graduate Lachy Brown from Kingaroy in Queensland said that prior to the ARLP, “I was a firm believer that a great leader was the person out the front, the person with all the knowledge who was calling the shots. This was my idea of what a great leader looked like, but the ARLP changed my view very quickly.”
"Great leadership needs self-awareness, authenticity and courage, among other things and rural, regional and remote Australia is bursting with great people willing to step forward and create positive change for their families, communities and industries,”
- Lachy Brown, General Manager of Pakaderinga Feedlot

“I’m proud to say now that I’m one of these people and I encourage others to step up to the plate through the opportunity that ARLP provides.”
There are approximately 30 scholarships on offer (including 2 grain fed beef industry scholarships), each valued at $50,000 with successful applicants carefully matched with sponsors that align with their industry, sector or purpose.
ARLF Chief Executive and program alumni Matt Linnegar said that the success of the program relies on bringing together a diverse and inclusive cohort of leaders from different backgrounds, industries, communities, and professions.
“We are also encouraging applications from those working in Health, the Arts, Education and the Energy industry and in new and emerging industries in addition to those working in the Agricultural sector.”
“We have a range of scholarships on offer including Open Scholarships for exceptional candidates who aren’t easily matched with an industry scholarship but are doing amazing work in their chosen field”.
Mr Linnegar said that continued investment in leadership development, through programs like ARLP, is critical as rural, regional and remote Australia responds to the challenges presented by drought, national disasters and Covid.
Applications for ARLP Course 29 close on Sunday 29 August 2021. For more information and to apply visit:
For more information on grain fed beef industry scholarships to ARLP visit: