​​The National Feedlot Accreditation Scheme (NFAS) was founded in 1994 as the quality management system that underpins the integrity of Australian grain fed beef as a safe and responsibly-farmed beef offering.

NFAS was founded in 1995 as the quality management system that underpins the integrity of Australian grain fed beef as a safe and responsibly-farmed beef offering.
NFAS is an independently audited quality assurance program for the Australian lot feeding industry that was initiated by the Australian Lot Feeders’ Association (ALFA) and is managed by AUS-MEAT through the Feedlot Industry Accreditation Committee (FLIAC). The sourcing of livestock from NFAS Accredited feedlots is a prerequisite for beef processed in AUS-MEAT Accredited Processing Establishments being marketed as Grain Fed (GF) or Grain Fed Young Beef (GFYG) or Grain Fed Finished (GFF).
Annually, all NFAS-accredited feedlots are independently audited, that’s close to 400 feedlots.
The importance of NFAS
NFAS provide a Quality System for Australian cattle feedlots that impacts positively on product integrity, quality and acceptability; and ensures lot feeders maintain responsibility.
NFAS ensures that the Australian beef feedlot industry demonstrates a responsive feedlot management for continual improvement, particularly in relation to cattle welfare and the environment, whilst guaranteeing the safety and integrity of grain fed beef.
Benefits to being NFAS Accredited
It allows lot feeders to access price premiums by being able to utilise the “Grain Fed” beef (GF, GFYG or GFF) cipher in export markets;
It provides the opportunity to access discounts on insurance premiums and annual environmental license fees (in some states);
It instils a management discipline that helps lot feeders more effectively manage risks within their operation; and
At a broader industry level, integrity and transparency to allow the sector to defend its animal welfare, environment, food safety and product integrity credentials to external stakeholders. As a result, it helps the industry improve market access whilst preventing Government and/or customers imposing additional requirements and costs on the sector.
NFAS accreditation process explained
To be accredited a feedlot operator must:
Have documented procedures in place, specifically for the feedlot which meet the requirements of the industry standards;
Maintain records that these procedures have been adhered to for all cattle prepared at the feedlot; and
Undergo a third-party audit of these procedures, records and facilities at the feedlot.

Apply for NFAS Accreditation
All feedlots wishing to participate in the NFAS are required to complete a NFAS Application Form and lodge the application with AUS-MEAT Limited.
NFAS Accreditation is separate to ALFA Membership. To apply for ALFA Membership, click here.