Proudly sponsored by Integrated Animal Production
Feedlots and their employees that have implemented clever, non-commercialised innovations that genuinely make a difference to the functionality of day-to-day operations at the feedlot are encouraged to enter.
All entries will be open to the public to vote on between August and September. The winner will be determined by popular vote and announced at the feedlot industry’s premier event, BeefEx 2024 taking place in Brisbane, QLD, on October 15 – 17.
Check out 2024's best innovations!
Please note that ALFA is no longer running the exhibitor-focused Innovation Competition, traditionally held during BeefEx years. Encouraging and supporting ground-roots innovation is important to ALFA and we are proud to continue to support the feedlot-focused competition, alongside our long-term competition partner, IAP.
Entries must:
be an idea or innovation designed by a lot feeder employed at a feedlot that is a current financial member of ALFA.
relate to feed manufacturing, feed delivery, cattle processing or cattle handling, yard maintenance, occupational health and safety, or other feedlot-specific area of operation.
deliver a labour saving and/or improved accuracy/efficiency and/or safety in the day-to-day operation of the feedlot.
be non-commercial.
cost less than $5,000 in materials to implement.
include a photo and/or video of the innovation at time of submission.
be submitted via the online form on this page.
Conditions of entry:
Eligibility is limited to staff of feedlots that are members of the Australian Lot Feeders’ Association (ALFA).
Only fully completed entries will be included in the award.
The nominators of the Top 4 scoring entries will receive a complimentary full delegate ticket to BeefEx 2024. They are also invited to bring their innovation for an optional outdoor display, if appropriate. The winner will be announced during the BeefEx proceedings. The ticket is non-refundable and non-transferable outside the entered feedlot enterprise.
All entrants agree to be part of the promotion of the Competition.
The ALFA/MLA TSO, Award sponsor & ALFA Community Engagement Committee will oversee entries and if deemed inappropriate or does not meet eligibility requirements will be removed from the competition, with notification from the ALFA General Manager at time of entries closing.
The winner is determined by public vote.
Voting is undertaken online via the ALFA website: www.feedlots.com.au/innovation.
Voting will commence on August 19 and will close at 10am (AEST) Monday September 23.
An entry is defined as a ‘like’ on the entry webpage which is publicly shown at the bottom of the page via a red heart icon. An individual may only vote once per device per entry. An individual may vote for more than one entry.
Votes will be recorded post voting period closing by ALFA and likes will be removed from public viewing ahead of presentation on October 17. The recorded vote count is final and cannot be disputed.
To vote for your favourite entry, simply click the 'heart' button on the post (this indicates a like i.e. vote). The entry with the most votes will be announced as the winner. The entry with the second highest will be awarded the runner up. See Key Dates section below to confirm the voting period. The decision made will be final.
Winner $2,500 prize money
Runner-Up $1,000 prize money
The highest 4 scoring entrants, as recorded at the end of the judging period, will be offered a complimentary full delegate ticket to attend BeefEx 2024.
Entries Open: 1 July 2024
Entries Close: 18 August 2024
Public Voting Period: Commences August 19 and concludes at 10:00am (AEST) 23 September 2024
Winner Announced: ALFA BeefEx event held 15-17 October 2024
Fill out the below entry form by the deadline advertised above to enter the competition, and don't forget to attach a photo or video of your innovation.
NOTE: The information supplied on the entry form will be transferred and used as the detail included in the promotion of your innovation via the event handbook, social media and the ALFA website. Therefore, it is important that you thoroughly check all details provided on your entry form.
The Top 4 innovations determined by popular vote will be invited to bring their innovation to BeefEx 2024 for display (strictly optional, not necessary to be eligible to enter/win).
With thanks to our Sponsor