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Australian Feedlot of the Year Competition
Round 2 Judging Submission

1. Business Values & Strategic Planning
2. Quality Assurance & Product Integrity Systems
3. Environmental Responsibility & Sustainability
4. Animal Welfare Responsibility
5. Employer of Choice
6. Community Amenity & Social Accountability
7. Business Innovation
8. Workplace Health & Safety
9. Business Intelligence & Knowledge
10. Maintenance
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We encourage you to upload a number of images that portray your feedlot and staff. Suggestions include team photos, feedlot entrance/signage, generic cattle and facility images.

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We encourage you to upload a video clip outlining why you believe your feedlot should be named Australian Feedlot of the Year, or an already developed promotional clip is acceptable.


To provide your video please use the button below if it is under 15MB. If it is over 15MB please send via to


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Click the submit button below to finalise your submission for Round 2 Judging in the Australian Feedlot of the Year Award:

Thank you for submitting your Round Two Submission into the Australian Feedlot of the Year Competition. It will be provided to the judges ahead of their visit.

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