Platinum Member since 2006
Zoetis discovers, develops, manufactures and commercializes a diverse portfolio of animal health medicines and vaccines designed to meet the real-world needs of veterinarians and the livestock farmers and companion animal owners they support.
Zoetis is focused on continuously innovating to develop animal health solutions that meet the needs of those who raise and care for animals. R&D is at the core of our efforts to provide innovation outcomes that anticipate the future needs of veterinarians and livestock producers in their local markets around the globe.
Our new product R&D leverages relevant discoveries from the agribusiness, pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries. Combining this capability with the most promising discoveries from existing Zoetis R&D generally yields a faster, less expensive and more predictable process and more sustainable pipeline as compared to human health R&D. Our R&D for existing products focuses on broadening and enhancing our existing portfolio through the addition of new species or claims, securing approvals in additional countries, or creating new combinations and reformulations that extend Zoetis innovations to a growing range of those who raise and care for animals worldwide.
1800 022 442